Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hey remember when we were supposed to go to Kentucky?

We packed our bags.
Woke up early.
Fumbled through security.
Pushed a baby and pulled a suitcase strapped with a car seat to the gate.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Flight was delayed, and delayed, and delayed.
Babies crawled around, snacked, took a nap, ate lunch and was just about ready for another nap when. .
our flight was so delayed we wouldn't make our connecting flight.
So we went home.
We spent a lovely day looking at airplanes, cheesing it up with upset passengers, and chasing the lady who empties the trash.
A perfect 6 hours spent at the airport. Not.

We went home and played in the curtains instead.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

What's up Bedfords?

Here's what the Bedfords have been up to lately:

- We HATE diaper changes.  Everyone involved hates them.  They arch their backs, twist and contort their bodies, all with their legs held in the air.  You'd think we were physically harming them the way they scream and try to get away.  Once one is done, the other is booking it out the door and down the hall.  It is constant.

-Wes is training for a marathon.  His goal is to run 7 marathons on 7 continents.  Yes, that means he will have to run a marathon on Antarctica.  I, on the other hand, am only training for a measly half marathon.

-We've ditched all baby food.  Yup, my little babes are eating full fledged meals.  Well meals that are soft because they still have no teeth.  Okay, they have 1 little nubbin of a tooth each.

- Our kitchen is getting redone!  So starting today we will be kitchen-less for 2 weeks. But it will be so worth it. #bestlandlordsever

- Speaking of awesome landlords, my dad got us two portable AC units!  This sweltering hot house has been a cool 72 lately.  Goodbye sweaty/stickiness, hello cool breeze.  #seriouslybestlandlordsever

-Finny got a haircut.  It was long overdue.  His little shag was turning into a mop covering his ears and creating a rat-tail.  He now looks like a little boy. . no more baby.  wahhhh

-On a serious note, the babes and I (along with my parents) are heading to Kentucky for the weekend to attend a funeral.  Our close family friend for over 20 years lost his battle with cancer last week.  So with heavy hearts and misty eyes, we will hop on 4 planes, jump 3 hours ahead to pay our respects to a wonderful man.  Here's to hoping all runs smoothly.
Date night
at the fair!

Gettin hair did.