Thursday, March 26, 2015

It's the little things

** I don't know why my blog has been spontaneously posting things, so sorry about the random posts.  Dang you technology **

Anywho, back to the blog.

Sometimes it's the tiniest of things that make the day that much sweeter.

It's the big guy (meaning twice my height, and four times my weight) that I see every morning on my run.  He is a big dude, but he is out there every morning. It started with a friendly smile, and it now a quick "how you doing?" With a complete stranger.

It's the look on the kids' faces when I first get them out of bed in the morning.  That sleepy-eyed smile beneath the binkie warms my heart.

It's the little things Wes does.  Most mornings I leave the house before Wes and when I get home later that afternoon he's made the bed, cleaned and put away the dishes, and picked up all the toys.  Makes me so happy.

It's when we head to my mom's for the day and we show up to freshly made pancakes waiting for us.

It's when the kids talk and laugh with each other while playing in the curtains.  Makes me stop running around the house and is a guaranteed smile maker.

It's when they kids try to console each other when the other is upset. They hug, and kiss each other and I die.

 It's in the afternoon when I've finished working and we head to the backyard to run around in the sun and eat oranges off our tree. Sticky orange fingers mixed with dirt and grass equals perfection.

It's when my dad comes home from work and says, "where's my babies?" then proceeds to have conversations with them in gibberish.

It's when complete strangers tell me how well-behaved my kids are being in the shopping cart at the grocery store.

It's when Wes sends his out of the blue "Love you" text.

It's when I catch one of the kids with something they shouldn't have, usually a pen (which I was too late for one day and found Audrey drawing on our couch cushions) or my phone, and they look up with big eyes and hand it to me saying "dis"

It's when Finny chases the dogs around squealing in excitement, trying to open mouth kiss them.  Always ending with a mouth full of hair that he runs over to me for.

It's when Audrey climbs on my lap and points at every freckle on my chest with her tiny finger saying "what's dat?"

It's when Wes comes home from work and the kids go running. "Dada!!"

It's after bath time when we snuggle and read books together.  Stopping only to watch an episode of Jeopardy and have a dance off to the Jeopardy theme song, which Audrey loves.  She wiggles her booty, and Finny bobs his head.

It's after the kids go to bed and Wes and I catch up on the day.  Usually watching videos of the kids on my phone.

He climbed in this bag I swear.