Friday, February 28, 2014

Our typical day

Everyone always asks, "how has it been?"

It's always difficult for me to answer.  It's been great.  Tough.  Challenging.  Perfect. Fun. Even more tough.  Even more great. 

 It's safe to say that 0-3 months was rough.  There was no routine.  We were in survival mode.  It was a blur of constant nursing/diaper changes/crying/rocking/crying by me/more nursing/getting peed on/getting pooped on/more diaper changes. Luckily for me, we had help.  There was a little system that we had down.  We took shifts in the middle of the night: feeding, holding, and changing.  My mom stayed with us for the first week, then Wes' mom came from AZ to help too.  Not to mention, Wes.  He still gets up with me in the wee hours to help feed one. 
When they were so small they shared not only a crib, but morning breath too. And no, they don't wake each other up.  One can be fast asleep while the other is screaming bloody murder. 

Now that they are 5 months, we have a little routine, and things are much easier.  It also helps that they are now sleeping 8 hours straight. 

Our typical day goes something like this:
Get up around 7am
Feed Audrey first, since she's always up singing in her crib
Then Finn gets up and I feed him.
We all get dressed and some days I head over to my mom's to work.  Otherwise I work from home.
We all hang out/play/scream/talk while I work
Then it's rice cereal/feeding time around 10
After that they nap and I get work done
Then more playing and feeding a few hours after
Then we usually head out for a walk.  Must. get. out. of. house.
Rice cereal again around 4
Then we all head to the kitchen while I make dinner.  Bouncy seats are my life saver.  They usually take another little nap until. .
Dad comes home, then we start bath time, another feeding, a quick book, and it's off to bed around 8pm.
They still get up around 4 or 5am, but they usually just eat, get changed, and fall back to sleep right away.

Easy-peasy.  Not.  Believe me there are plenty of tears.  When my mom isn't around, and Wes isn't home yet, I only have two arms and one will have to cry a little until I can get to them.  But, since these are my first, this is my normal.  I don't know any better, and to me this is just about as good as it could get. 

Me attempting to work, and care for my screaming babies.  Multitasking at its finest.

Monday, February 24, 2014

First came love, then came marriage, then came. . . babies

We have a story like any other.
Met in college.
Got married.
Survived 6 months away from each other while Wes was in the academy
Battled cancer for another 6 months
Then came babies in a giant double bobsled of a baby carriage

You know you've heard this story time and again.

We didn't get the whole first time being a family of three.  Doting on one precious baby.  Spoiling that one baby rotten.  Nope, we were thrown a curve and were blessed with two.  At once. None of this two on one where we definitely have an upper hand.  An advantage even.  Not us.  We are dealing with two on two here people.  Every man diapering/feeding covering their man.  That's just the way our game is played.  Two on two.