Monday, February 24, 2014

First came love, then came marriage, then came. . . babies

We have a story like any other.
Met in college.
Got married.
Survived 6 months away from each other while Wes was in the academy
Battled cancer for another 6 months
Then came babies in a giant double bobsled of a baby carriage

You know you've heard this story time and again.

We didn't get the whole first time being a family of three.  Doting on one precious baby.  Spoiling that one baby rotten.  Nope, we were thrown a curve and were blessed with two.  At once. None of this two on one where we definitely have an upper hand.  An advantage even.  Not us.  We are dealing with two on two here people.  Every man diapering/feeding covering their man.  That's just the way our game is played.  Two on two.

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