Thursday, May 15, 2014

It is blazin'

It is hot here.
Really hot.
Hotter than Phoenix hot.
However, the difference here is we don't have AC.
(Dad/landlord, I'm not complaining, just stating the facts.  It is not like you are in the AC line of work or anything.  I kid.  But really he is.)

Since it has been hot, we have been trying our best to keep cool.  Luckily I can go to my parent's house that does have AC.  And a pool!

Otherwise we have fans running, and are taking cold showers.  I gave the babies a cooler than normal bath yesterday because they woke up really sweaty from their nap.  I thought it might feel nice, however it did not go over well.  Finny didn't make much fuss, but he did have little goose-bumps on his legs as he splashed around.  Audrey cried like it was a bath filled with snow.  It was not.

We have a giant tube-like floor fan in our living room that Finny keeps eye-balling.  I think he thinks it is that giant back foam roller from my previous post that can oscillate on its own.  He's got one eye on that thing at all times.

Audrey has been pretty needy lately and wants to be on me.  Squirming around, sweaty, and bobbing her head.  It is hot, but she is cute.

The upside is that it is too hot to make dinner.  So I don't.
Nothing like hanging out in a diaper eating popsicles for dinner.

Our mother's day celebration at the beach.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Word on the Bedford street

So word on the Bedford street is:

All about Finn's hair:  His hair is crazy.  Completely out of control.  
He always had some crazy hair. . It was long and dark when he was born, then it grew into a "shark fin" then it became an "old man comb over", and now it is light, fuzzy, and all over the place. 
He had a bit of cradle cap so we have been washing his fuzzy locks with baby oil.  It seemed to be working, and then Wes forgot to wash it out and he had greasy, crunchy, wet looking hair for a day.   Not his best look.

All about sleep, or lack there of:  Audrey. won't. sleep. ever.  Okay, not ever.  Both kids were sleeping about 9 hours a night.  It was pretty nice for us.  They would wake at like 4:30 or 5, I'd nurse them, and then they'd sleep for another couple hours.  Now, Audrey wakes up.  A lot.  She wakes, and then wakes Finn up.  He goes back to sleep quickly, but Audrey thinks that there's a party at her crib at 2am.  She starts by singing high pitched as she rolls from side to side.  Then she starts chatting, "da da da da da" as she rolls to her tummy.  Then she doesn't want to be on her tummy so she cries.  And cries.  We've tried to not go in there, hoping she would just fall back asleep because as soon as she saw one of us she would cry more wanting us to pick her up.  So we let her cry it out.  For almost an hour.  I cried with her until her wimpering stopped and she fell asleep.  Meanwhile, Finny was straight sawing logs.

Finny doesn't always nap during the day though. .
Caught him creeping on me. 

All about the black roller: My parents got a foam roller for your back.  It is awesome, but Finny DOES NOT like it.  Every time he sees it he cries with his little bottom lip all pouty.  I love it, and want to bring it out all the time and "torture" him with it because I just love that little pouty lip #momfail.   One night he had a nightmare, and I'm sure he was having a dream about this black foam roller coming to get him.  There's a video below, but I'm pretty sure you have to use a computer (not iphone, or ipad) to watch it.  Also it's sideways because I can't figure out how to change it.  Remember walking zombie over here.

All about running: I'm trying to run 100 miles in May.  That is about 3.25 miles a day, which isn't a lot, it is just trying to find the time to run on my own.  Otherwise I have to pack the kids up in the double-jogger and take them with me.  Also it has been 100 degrees here. Also I'm making all kinds of excuses to not run.

All about Wes trying to fit in every sport in a week: Wes plays basketball every Tuesday night. (side note, I think he broke his nose.  It is definitely crooked.) He also plays soccer every Sat. in a small league, and now softball Sat. nights.  Calling all football teams.  Pretty much covers every sport.

All about crawling: The babies want to crawl so bad.  All they do is roll to their tummies, stick their butts in the air, and get up on their tippy toes.  They even get their knees under them as if they are going to start crawling, but then face plant with their booties in the air.  As soon as they figure out how to get their upper bodies up too, we are in big trouble.

That's about it. Crazy hair, sleep deprived, killer roller, well-rounded Wes, and mobility.

Off to bed because I'm sure I'll be up at 2am for the Audrey party at her crib.