Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Best buds

Anyone who has ever had twins, or is a twin, has told me how great it is to grow up a twin.

They always have a best friend.  

It is true.  I'm excited that they will (eventually) become best friends, then hate each other, then be best friends again. 

As of right now. . I see signs of them acknowledging each other.  They will smile and laugh at each other, and then push the other's face into the ground.  Okay, mostly Audrey.  She's a bully.  

The three of us (four of us when Wes is around) are the best of friends.  

Yup, I can say that these tiny humans I've created are my best friends.  Honestly.  We do everything together. 

We eat meals together.  
Run errands together.
Bathe together.  Okay I bathe them, and they sit in the bathroom while I take a shower.  I should really combine those. . 
Make dinner together.  They sit in the kitchen wooden spoon and measuring cups in hand.
Exercise together. They either sit in the jogger while I run, or sit in the living room while I do yoga.  Audrey is close to mastering "Downward Dog," and Finny has "Happy Baby" down.
We read books, and sing songs.
They help me work by waving and gnawing on my highlighters.
We nap together.
They've even gone in the dressing room with me to make sure I was buying the right outfit.  They're so fashion forward. 
They listen to my problems, and I listen to theirs.  
We laugh and cry together.  
I love them unconditionally, and I'm sure that's returned.  If that isn't true friendship, I don't know what is.

Basically, I'm hilarious. 

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