I love all the fruit that is in season. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, okay all berries. I love all things that involve these fruits. Making smoothies, berry pies, shortcake, and jam.
I love being outside. Not that we couldn't be outside in any season being here in California, it's just different in Spring.
I love running around outside with the sprinkler on.
I love Easter and all things chocolate and pastel.
I love planting our garden and seeing which veggies sprout. Of course they'd sprout a lot better if I didn't find Kona digging around in there daily. Sigh. Last year we had zuccini the size of my arm and corn that grew taller than our fence.
I love shopping in spring. All the bright colors, shorts, swim suits, and flip flops.
I love that it's hot during the day, and cold at night.
I love the flowers that pop open around my backyard, and I love my babies running up, squishing their noses in them and sniffing.
I love that our turtle has come out and that the kids run up to him, say "turtle," and try to hug him.
I love that Wes gets home and it's still light out.
Spring you're pretty awesome, but I love you most because it means summer is around the corner.
Baller! |
Photos are courtesy of my dad and his sweet camera.
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