Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Full blown toddler mode.

Things have been crazy around here.

The kids are 16 months and running around all day.  In opposite directions.
Getting into everything room by room.
They'll eat just about anything, but they really love spaghetti.  Probably because they love smearing the sauce all over their bodies, the walls, and the dogs.

Audrey is a chatter box.  Talks non-stop.  In a language only Finny knows.  She does say "mama" "dada" "hi" "amen " "No!" and "Peppa" (the tv show we watch to wind down before bed) She will grab the remote and say "Peppa" I die.  She loves reading books, pretending to be asleep while making a sleep noise, and making big fake belly laughs.  She knows when things are hot and says, "hot" and tries to blow it off.

Finny is a Tasmanian  Devil, and gets into everything.  He likes to pull out every piece of Tupperware and throw it around.  I've found Tupperware in every room of the house, including the shower.  He loves reading books, playing with cars and saying "vroom," the dogs, and pushing a broom.  He likes to stop playing, come over to me and give me a sloppy kiss, and then continue playing.  I die again.  He loves to go to the park, climb the playground toys, and slide down the slide backwards on his tummy.  All by himself!

They babble to each other in their own language, give each other kisses in the tub, like to sing songs, and can point to the parts of the body.  When they aren't stealing the other's toy, or pushing the other down, they do like to make each other laugh.  Yesterday, Finny fell and bumped his head and Audrey came over to us and peeked her head around and said "hi" with a little cheesy grin.  It made Finn stop crying and start laughing.  I love them.

It's crazy how different they are.  Finny loves the trash truck, Audrey cries and runs to me when she sees it.  Audrey hates being cold after bath time, while Finny runs around nakey while laughing.  Audrey likes to sit on the counter top while I bake/cook, while Finny likes to get into ALL the cupboards.  Finny needs a blanket, or rather a tag, to hold while he falls asleep, while Audrey puts her arms behind her head.

My favorite part of the day is right before bedtime when they kids are clean, in their jammies, and Wes is home.  We lay on the floor, read books, and giggle as the kids use us like a jungle gym.  The kids are super snugly and life is perfect.

eating dirt.

baby yoga.

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