Friday, July 10, 2015

on being prepared.

When I was pregnant I read every twin book I could.  When we were heading to the hospital, about to meet these two little babies, I felt ready.  I was prepared on how to feed, change, sleep train etc.  I was ready, for the newborn stage. . . The toddler twin stage is a whole other book.  To anyone who is expecting twins, learn about the toddler stage too because you'll be too busy/tired surviving newborns to read that chapter.  Or be like me and wing it.

There are also things that just can't be taught. Period.
Like what to do when your toddlers escape to the backyard: one jumping up and down on the top of the patio table, and the other stomping in a pile of dog poop.
Or how to read two different books at once because of course they don't want to read the same book.  (Of course that one is a lot easier when Wes is home.  No, Wes you're right, I'm not a single parent.)
You just learn as you go.

I've learned that:

the sweetest words that you'll ever hear is "man-ney" (mommy) until they say it a thousand times a day over and over at the top of their little lungs.  Times two.

they will start to mimic you. Me: "shoot!"  Twins: "shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot!"

you will never get a meal to yourself again.  Oh you want some of my dinner even though I just took you out of your highchair, and cleaned up the food that you threw on the ground because you didn't like it?  Guess so.

you can never walk into a store with Finn that has a ball in it, and not give it to him.  This is resulting in 39740726 balls that you've had to buy because he cried at the check out.  Like top of his lungs, I'm pulling off his arm cry.  I know, I'm a sucker.

if the twins are playing in the next room and it gets quiet, they have something they shouldn't.  A pen on the couch? An ipad? My work folder that they've ripped every page out of?  A shovel full of mud? Yes to all the above.

you will never have a full nights sleep again.  period.

just clean the house at the end of the day when they have gone to sleep, otherwise you'll be cleaning toys/kitchen utensils/clothes/blankets/bathroom items/markers/pompoms/etc all day long.  Embrace the mess.

your formal dining room will probably turn into a playroom.   Who are you kidding, you've never sat at that table any way.

And last but not least, no one can prepare you for how much you'll love them.
how you'll miss them come morning
how your heart will ache when they're sick
how loved you'll feel when you come home to them yelling "ma-ney"
how even on your worst day when the house is a mess and you felt like all you said was "NO" and "you're in time-out," you'll find them giggling and tickling each other. Everyone is alive, and every one is loved.

I dare you to try to find this in a book.  You're welcome.
First day at swim! Finny was sick

A Popsicle after barfing on me

Happy Fourth!

Their love affair with bubbles

Popsicles all day, every day.

and a little nudey pool time :)

1 comment:

  1. Love your posts! Audrey's hair is really growing and she's looking more like you, Kristen, every time I see pictures. So glad you're enjoying them.
