Tuesday, September 8, 2015


The summer has been a bit warm.  Okay, so not Phoenix warm, but warm for us.

We spend our days nudey.  The kids. Not me. 
Eating Popsicles.
Swimming in my parent's pool.
Going to the beach.
Eating peaches like they are going out of style, or out of season.
We walk around target when it gets too sweaty in our house.
We always have a ton of visitors during the perfect beachy weather. 
We've fully enjoyed wedding season.  Wes and I have been to 3 already.
Frozen blues (blueberries) are all the rage.
Splashing in our kiddie pool in the backyard makes for a perfect day.

We spend a good amount of time trying to figure out what the kids are saying.  They have their own language mixed in with some English.

bah-tee = water or bunny
ma-nee = mommy
utch = ipad, meaning we don't touch
unch= lunch
papa= my dad, their grandpa
yaya= my mom, their grandma
Audrey = Audrey and Finny.  They both think their name is Audrey.  
yoyo = yogurt.  Finny will eat an entire 1 lb carton of greek yogurt in one sitting. I'm serious.
bra-dah = finny.  Audrey calls him this.  Roger? Brother? She usually does this when she's yelling at him from the next crib over
Phew (fanning their face) = they pooped.  Then they say "I pooped!"
Pah-sikle= Popsicle.  We have to spell this word around here otherwise they'd cry for one all day.  And that word is hard to spell.  Thank you spell check.
Of course every animal noise/word there is.
Also every food, however nothing compares to their beloved "yoyo"
ca-ca= not what you think it means. . chalk and/or trash truck
Fawk= also not what you think. . fork.  Wes comes home and thinks I'm throwing f-bombs on the reg.

It's completely adorable when they start to say new words like, "I get you,"  or "I stuck" (which is what they say 90% of the day.  Stuck on the chair, under the table, in their crib, under the dog, on top of the table. All. day. long.  "I stuck.  Ma-nee, I stuck!!!")
Audrey also thinks every fly buzzing around her head is a bee and comes running to me all huffy-puffy and scared

Finny likes to say "yeah, I do."
"Finny, do you like yoyo?"  "yeah I do."
"Finny, do you have poop?"  "yeah I do."

It's crazy how much they soak up.  It's also crazy how much Twinglish creeps into my daily vocab.  With other adults.

In other news, Audrey can successfully climb out of her crib, and has gnawed on the rails so much we find her the next morning with blood all over her mouth.  It's like a horror story up in here.

Stay tuned for next week when I talk about our adventures to Disneyland!! First time this Saturday.  Pray to the twin toddler god that all goes smoothly.
Ready for swim!



Audrey the beaver

VIDEO: No-nap Audrey at dinner

serious about chalk


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