Thursday, March 3, 2016

Soaking it in

Whenever I think about my babies growing up, I cry.  For real.  I don't like it.

Two year olds are so fun.  Everything is so exciting and over-joyous.  Minus the occasional, sometimes more than not, melt downs and constant fighting over toys; they are so happy and laughing all the time. Everything is so fun to them, and I'm trying to soak every bit of this fun age in because before I know it, they won't want to sit on my lap, or say "mommy" a hundred times in one breath.

For this reason I am soaking it all in.

Every time they grab my hand and say "come on mommy," or "sit down mommy,"  I listen because some day I'll be begging for their attention.

Every time they come running to me because they got a "boo boo," I kiss it to make it better.

Every time they scream with excitement in the car over a "yellow school bus," or a "ca-ca" (trash truck), I join in in their excitement.  Sometimes I even go searching for a school bus, because they are obsessed.  They say "I love you school bus," as we drive away.

Sometimes I hold them until they fall asleep, even if they don't need it, or I know I should let them fall asleep on their own, because they won't always want snuggle.

I "carry you" (carry them) even when my back hurts, or they are no longer fitting over my growing belly.

I console Audrey every time she runs inside scared of a "bee" which is really a fly, because some day she will know the difference.

I console Finny every time he runs to me because the dogs are barking and he's scared because some day the dogs won't scare him.

If I thought it was good for them I'd let them watch Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig, trash trucks (literally real trash trucks driving around), and "Wheels on the Bus" on the ipad all day because they get so excited they jump around, sing, and laugh.  Some day they will think that's stupid.

If I thought it was good for them I'd feed them pizza for every meal because they LOVE pizza.  They both say, "mmm pizza" or "mommy, I like pizza," while they are eating it.  This love for pizza probably won't ever go away because hello pizza!!

I let them run around "nudey" and give them "white mints" (Tic Tacs) more than I should because some day they won't want any of that.

I take them to the playground as much as I can because some day the slide and going "weeee" won't be as cool going to the mall or hanging out with their friends.

I grab all the blankies and get "snug-g-g-g-gy" (as Audrey would say) or "snug-a-baby" (as Finny would say) because those snuggles won't last long.

I kiss their squishy cheeks all day because one day it won't be cool for mom to kiss them.

I am soaking it all in.
Even when Audrey takes a marker to the rug, or Finny refuses to eat dinner because well it's not pizza; it's hard to stay mad at them when they run to you, put their arms around your neck and say "I love you mama."

Ice cream face at the beach

Ice cream face take 2

Said "weeeee" the entire ride

Cried forever after we rode it twice and said no more

In car heaven   #obsessed
Also notice the Mickey slippers.  Won't take them off.  Ever.  

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