Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The dos and dont's of 2.5 year old twins

Slowly we are learning how to survive two 2.5 year old twins.  Their energy is high, tantrums and tattle-telling are in full effect, and curiosity about everything is constant.  I heart them, tantrums and all.

Dos and dont's:

Don't get frustrated when you sit them on the potty and they say they don't have to go, and not 5 min later you find them behind the chair pooping in their undies.

Don't mention any of the following foods unless you plan to make them in the next 5 min: pizza, berry smoothie (or bui fui in their lingo) or pancakes.

Do bribe them with snacks while doing any sort of shopping, and make sure to not let them run around.  Keep them in the cart.  I seriously spent an hour chasing after them in the toy section of Walmart.

Don't put syrup on their pancakes until it is in front of them.  Finny doesn't trust that I've already put syrup on it.  He has to see it happen.

Do play hide and seek around the house.

Don't get frustrated when you've spent the past three days with a sick kid, and then a day later the other one comes down with the same sickness.

Do watch what you say very closely.  Unless you want them to start saying, "No way, Jose," to everything, or that "T" is for "toots."  They remember everything.

Don't promise them a pink bus, or any other toy for that matter, unless you are already at the toy store.  My mom and I had to make a special trip to the toy store because she promised Audrey a pink bus, to match the yellow bus she already had that Finny had claimed as "his."  Just to be safe, buy two of every toy. Serious.

Do drive around, if you are feeling crazy.  If you are feeling stuck in the house, or if the kids are continuously fighting, throw them in the car and drive around pointing out every bus, trash truck, mixer, crane, and any other automobile.  Or take a drive by the beach.  "Ocean!" "Sand!" "Boat!"

Don't lose your patience when you ask them what they want to eat, make it, and then they don't eat it.

Do give them all the snuggles and kisses.  Even when they wipe off your kisses, or try to escape your arms.

Do sing "ABC's" song on repeat all day.

Do melt into a million pieces when they make you flowers at church and are super excited to give them to you.

Do laugh when you find Audrey "reading" a book to Kona.

Don't give in to every silly request they have to play with your phone, or watch the ipad.  Even when they ask so nicely and bat their little eyes.  "Please mommmy.  Please??"

Do remember that this stage of life is hard, but it is seriously the best ever.

Don't cry every time you think of them getting older.  Okay you can cry a little.

They LOVE taking rides with dad!

Finny got a little "dir-ly"

Always helping me out.

A perfect place to eat a snack

Toddler beds! Finny cried himself to sleep because his bed was "broken" Sweetest boy ever.

A brief moment they weren't fighting or hitting

Stay tuned next time when I change the name of my blog to "Officially Outnumbered"

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