Friday, September 16, 2016

Two on three

For starters:
I need to figure out how to change my blog name to one of the following:
Officially Outnumbered
Two on Three
Babies Everywhere
I.  Am.  Tired.  The end.

The day we added another munchkin to our lives was a day like any other.
I was the size of a hippo and waddled through the house packing up any last minute things before heading to the hospital.  It was calm, peaceful, and scary at the same time.
I hugged my babies one last time quickly escaping the room before they saw my tears.  I cried the whole way to the hospital because hello pregnant, and because I knew from then on my babies were no longer my babies, and life from here on out would be different.  Also, I was terrified of having another baby because of my near death experience before. 
We got to the hospital, changed into our OR attire, and met our nurse who was the worst.  She mocked me about having another c-section, and laughed at the amount of little kids we have.
The wheeled me in, without Wes as he was changing, and I began to get the epidural.  Alone.  With Mean Nurse by my side.  I hate her.  I started crying again as I was hunched over getting a giant needle in my back, holding the arms of Mean Nurse who continually asked me why "I didn't even try to have a natural birth."  Lady, it was too late, back up before I hurt you.  The Anesthesiologist was a dream boat and made everything better.  He calmed me, put on Adele, and talked to me while I laid on my back having a slight panic attack.  I could never lay flat on my back while being pregnant.  The weight of the baby made me feel like I couldn't breathe.  He gave me oxygen and I calmed down.  Wes came in, held my hand, and I cried again.  After that it was smooth sailing.  My doctor came in, started the procedure, and chatted it up with the nurses.  Just then the baby made a giant wail and everyone assured me that she was perfect.  "She's SO big!"  "Her eyelashes are so long!"  "She's got a good set of lungs on her!"  She was 8lbs 2oz and 20 inches long.  My biggest baby.  My doctor reassured me that I made the right decision having a c-section as the baby probably wouldn't have fit coming out naturally.  She was too big.  Did you hear that Mean Nurse?  I made the right choice. 

As soon as I saw her sweet face I saw Audrey. . . and then she opened her eyes.  Nope, not Audrey.  Not really Finny either.  A new little face that was all her own.  Violet Ann, you are the best baby there ever was. 

We are surviving as a family of five.  It helps that Violet is literally the best baby.  Aside from the fact that the girl likes to eat (she is 3 months now, and is wearing size 6 months) she sleeps well, poops well, and is just the happiest baby ever.  Smiles non stop, singing and kicking to her heart's desire.  The twins are cute with her too.  Always trying to giver her a blankie or a toy, and kissing her nonstop.  They call her "baby Violet," or "tiny baby" and make sure to kiss her before bed. 

Aside from it taking a little more time to get everyone in and out of the car, things are perfect.  It's madness here a lot of the time with someone always needing something, but our family is now complete.  I can feel that now in my heart.  Finn Audrey Violet  These are my FAV people and I'm lucky I get to call them mine. 

chunky lady

First time meeting the baby

Heading home!
Audrey anyone?

1 month

2 months

3 months
My happy girl

Stay tuned for next week when I tell you about my three-nagers.  For real.  Drama, rebellion, and the WHY phase.  Three-nagers.  Sigh. 

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