Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Recapping the end of 2016

 It's been a while since I've updated this thing.   The holidays always get me running around, stressed and tired. .

Here is a quick recap to get you up to speed on all things Bedford.

In September, the twins turned three.  We celebrated by going to Disneyland.  The kids loved it.  They loved the characters so much, and rode on most of the little kids rides.  Dumbo was their favorite ride and Snow White was terrifying not just for the kids, but me too.  The loved the parade, especially Audrey.  She sat there and watched every dance move, and waved to every princess.  It's a Small World was another favorite ride.  The kids sang the song on repeat for weeks.  Baby Violet was great too.  She is seriously the best baby ever.  She ate, slept, went on It's a Small World and Pirates snuggled up close to me.  She just sat there looking around.  She's perfect.  On the day of their birthday, we had a little family party at the house with pizza and cupcakes.  My parent's got them a trampoline (highlight of the night) and they got a ridiculous amount of toys, dress-up, and Playdough.  They were in heaven.

In October we focused all our energy on Halloween.  The kids were so excited about Frankie (our 8 ft inflatable Frankenstein)  Finny still asks where Frankie is, even though it is January.  They were so excited when Wes came home with a pet for Frankie; an inflatable Halloweenier dog.  This age is so fun.  This year they picked out what they wanted to be for Halloween.  Audrey was set on being a witch, and Finny was adamant about being a ghost.  They dressed up, got tons of candy, and trick-or-treating was a success.  Baby V was unimpressed with Halloween.  She was a pumpkin and screamed the entire time we were trick-or-treating.  I literally had to run home to put her down; turning off all the lights and hiding from trick-or-treaters.  I heard one kid at our door say, "No, I saw her run in there, I know she's home."

November was all things turkey and Thanksgiving.  We visited my brother at the fire station on Thanksgiving day, and then headed over to my aunt's house to stuff our faces.  Baby V even had sweet potatoes at the dinner table.  This girl loves to eat.  She's a biggie and opens her mouth super wide for you to shovel food in.

In December we got swallowed up by Christmas.  I'm talking gingerbread house making, listening to Christmas music ALL DAY, and visiting Santa multiple times.  This holiday season was my favorite. The kids are SO into it and it was adorable.  Starting December 1, our days would go something like this: wake up, look for Elfie our Elf.  He was everywhere; the kitchen, Christmas tree, even the bathroom.  Then they'd head for the kitchen to open up a day of their advent calendar and get "their first chocolate."  Then we'd open the front door to find a little surprise on our doorstep.  Someone had been leaving pieces of a nativity scene every day.  It was so fun.  We would sing Christmas songs all day their favorites being "Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer," "Jingle Bells," and "A Wonderful Christmas Time."  We would talk about Santa, and what the kids wanted him to bring them.  Bikes.  Both wanted bikes.  They loved walking around our neighborhood at night after dinner and looking at all the lights.  It was a magical time, and I kind of wished it never ended.
We were part of a live nativity.  Baby V was Jesus.  All 15lbs of her.

Wes got home, after being gone in DC for two weeks, and all was right in the world.  (Big shoutout to my parents for feeding us a few nights, and to my mom for staying with me at the house a couple nights so I had someone to talk to  <3  )  We were ready for Christmas to come now.  We celebrated at Nick and Heather's a few days before Christmas, and then went to my parent's house for Christmas eve.  On Christmas day we woke up, ate waffles, opened presents and attempted to ride the new bikes Santa brought.   We went to church and then headed home for lunch with my parents and more presents.  We spent the rest of the day riding bikes, playing with their helicopter and Audrey's "puppy clean."

Christmas Eve
Princess bike
Lightening McQueen bike

Usually our New Years plans are boring/non existent.  We fall asleep by 10, and wake up at midnight to ring in the new year only to fall right back asleep.  This year was different.  Nick and Heather got married on New Years Eve.  The kids dressed up in a princess dress and tuxedo, and walked down the aisle hand-in-hand.  They were so adorable.  The wedding was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever been to.  White room, wall to wall flowers, floating candles, chandlier, the works.  The groom looked happy, and the bride was stunning. We danced the night away, rang in the New Year with all our closest friends and family, and kissed while the confetti shot out all around us.  It was a night to remember and even though I didn't have a single drop of alcohol, I felt extremely hung over the next day.  Must've been a good one.  (Another shoutout to Wes' mom who flew out to help with this event. She was easy going when I was stressed, held a crying baby during the ceremony, and watched the kids so we could dance the night away.  <3  )

So tired

First time seeing each other all dressed up.  
Love them

Cutest lil dude ever
I die.

After New Years, we loaded everyone up and headed to Arizona to spend time with cousins and family.  We had tons of fun having dance parties, playing silly games, and eating at all our favorite Arizona restaurants.
First time on the swings! Loved it
Wes' mom with all 10 of her grandkids!  And they are all looking!

Now that the holi-daze are over, we spend our time playing with our race track, dressing like a princess, playing Hungry Hungry Hippos, and eating everything that gets stuffed into our mouth.  I'll let you guess who is who.  We still sing Christmas songs, and are still asking why our Christmas lights aren't on (even though we took them down.)

Okay now to purge some toys and move on to the next holiday.  

Pirates and Princess all day err day

Baby V through the months

happiest baby ever
those cheeks though
Sister jammies
"Mom, what about me?"

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