Monday, April 28, 2014

Tears, it's what's for dinner

Oh dinnertime.  You used to be a great time.  A time when we could relax from our day and fill our bellies.  Now dinnertime is a time where hysteria replaces relaxation, and tears now fill our eyes.

The kids have either not gotten a long enough nap, or woke up for their nap cranky.
I'm cranky because I've gotten little sleep since the twins are liking to have a 3 or 4 am party these days.
Wes is stuck in traffic on his way home, so he's cranky.

5pm is not the Bedford's best hour.

Dinnertime usually goes a little like this:

One, or both will get up from their nap, crying.  I have no idea why.  They are still tired? They are hungry? They had a bad dream?  I ask them all these questions and all I get is hysteria.

So I place them in their highchairs one at a time making sure to strap those little wiggle worms in.
I then put a bib on them: one, to try and keep their clothes clean, and two, to catch their puddle of tears.  I'm serious.

I get out their food, which is usually a veggie I made for them the night before.

I sing, I dance, I tickle.  Anything to get them to stop crying and actually eat.  Nope, not having it.

Then things get real fun.  They start to spit food back at me until I sing a song they start to like, or until a dog comes in and they get distracted.  At that point I shovel in as much food as possible.  Unless it is green beans.  Audrey hates green beans so much she spits it out.  Gags even.  Closes her eyes and shutters.

She hated pumpkin this day.  Gagging.
(side note, I ate a sour strawberry and noticed I make this same face)

Finn will get distracted too by a tiny little tag that is on the bottom of his bib.  He continues to grab it and put it in his mouth until all the food that fell out of his mouth onto his bib, is now back on his face.  His cheeks, his eye, his hair.  Green mash everywhere. (hey that rhymed)

Will find any tag, anywhere.  Guaranteed.

By the end of dinner they are completely exhausted and covered in pureed veggies.  At least they aren't crying anymore.  Off to the bath we go.

Ah yes, Wes calls just after the storm has passed.  Be home in 10.  Sweet relief.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hoppy Belated Easter

In short, our Easter rocked.

It was a beautiful, sunny, California day.

We woke up, got dressed in our Sunday best, and headed to church.

We listened to the Easter program, napped, cried, ate, and played through church.

We got home, and what do you know?  The Easter bunny came!  He probably would've come earlier if we didn't have 9am church. . .

Finny loved the bow on his basket, however did not like sitting in the basket.

Audrey liked the egg in her basket, but didn't care for the stuffed bunny.

Easter was held at our house this year.  Since I live in the house I grew up in, having a holiday here just felt right.  So many holiday memories have been spent here, and our backyard is perfect for an Easter egg hunt.

So our perfect Easter celebration went like this:

Wes created an awesome egg hunt.  Everyone was allowed to participate.  There were fun prizes in the eggs, and bad surprises too.    (dish duty, and last to get dessert were a couple of the bad ones)

We ate ham, and my mom made probably the best angel food cake I've ever had.  (shout out mom, what what!!)

We then continued to play Portuguese horseshoes, which is a McIsaac family tradition.  We had a crazy intense tournament, and the winner got scratchers.

Finn met our turtle, and probably would've tried to put him in his mouth, which would have been the second time a member of our family (Midas, not Wes) tried to eat that poor turtle.

By the end of the day I had eaten my weight in ham and collapsed on the floor next to the twins as they kicked and rolled on top of me.

Best Easter ever. The End.
Yes, Finn is almost the same size as me. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Work it mama

I try to work 6 hours a day.  Key word there is "try."  Some days it feels like all they do is cry, and some days, when all the stars align, things actually do get done.

I work from my mom's house 2 or 3 days a week, which is awesome.  It's so nice to have another set of arms to help feed, rock, and hold.  It is a lot of work though to head over there.  Packing everyone up, all their stuff to keep them entertained, and all their food is a lot of work.  Needless to say some days we forget to pack diapers, one is sockless, and one hasn't been changed since they woke up.

Not only is it nice to have someone to help me, but it's also nice to have someone who can talk back with me.  Ah yes, a real conversation that doesn't involve me having to talk super animated with an accompanying song and dance.

So to sum it up my mom = awesome.  I know she doesn't get as much work done when we are there because in her words, "her babies need her," but it sure is nice to have another person playing defense with me.  Two on two.

When I'm working at home, I'm out numbered.

They usually wake up and I feed them breakfast.
Then we head to my office, aka the living room.  I give them a few toys/teethers while I catch up on emails and bookings.  Then one will get bored and I move them to one of our little gadgets.  We have a "johnny jumper" that hangs in our living room, an exersaucer, a playmat that plays music, and a bumbo.  We play a little round of "tour the gadgets" until they get tired.  They usually take a little nap and I get some work done.  They then get up for lunch. Mmm avocado.
After a few tears and diaper changes we head back to the office.  They roll around and play on the floor until one gets hit, or rolls onto her tummy and cries, and then we take another "tour of the gadgets" until it is nap time again.  This time is for longer and I get the majority of my work done.
In the afternoon we take a walk/jog.  Words can not express the absolute need to get out of my house by this point.

If I have more work to get done then I wait til Wes gets home, or after the kids go to bed.
Most days are easy, the babies are happy and everything is rainbows and sunshine.  Some days are filled with constant crying.  By me.

My home office on the floor containing two babies, and two dogs. The dogs are not earning their keep.  Step it up and soothe a baby!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

I'll take some magic

There are a few things that I wish I had when it comes to these two lil babes.

1) Another set of arms.  Or another two sets of arms.  To hold, carry, rock, help nurse. .
2) Another set of boobs, going along with the above number 1
3) A time machine.
I would go back to pre-twin Kristen and tell her her life is easy.  Stop complaining.
I would travel to the future to check on my grown babies in order to put my mind at ease.  They are alive and thriving, stop worrying. 
4) A pause button.  I'd love to pause time every time my babies look at each other and smile, or hold hands.  I'd pause every time Wes is making Finn giggle because he is the only one who can make that boy laugh like that.  And I'd pause every time they look up at me and smile while I'm rocking them to sleep.

5) A nail trimming fairy.  I honestly trim their little razor finger nails every day.  I thought it'd be easy to trim using nail clippers until I snipped the tip of Finn's little finger.  And it bled.  And he cried.  Now I file 20 little constantly moving finger nails daily.  Otherwise I have claw marks all over my face, neck, and chest. 
6) A shot-free way to get immunizations.  I can not handle them getting shots.  I just can't.  Finn cries for a second, and then gets over it.  Audrey screams like you cut off her leg.  Hyperventilates even. 
7) A quick fix of my belly button.  I'm serious.  My belly button is forever changed.  Sometimes I look at old pictures of me in a bikini and throw a little pity party.  Goodbye perfect little innie belly button, hello perfect little babies.
8) A way to understand baby whining. For the most part I know what they need.  Feed.  Change.  Sleep. But sometimes (mostly Audrey) they cry.  A lot.  I've changed, fed, and they've napped, and still they cry.
           Side note on understanding babies-
 There are 3 things I don't understand about babies:
       1) When they are sleepy, why do they fight it?  You're tired, close your eyes. Easy as that.
       2) When they roll to their tummy from their back and then cry cause they hate being on their tummy.  Audrey does this ALL DAY long.  Rolls to her tummy and then cries. It's especially fun at 4 am when she does this in her crib.
       3) How they can be crying, screaming, at the top of their lungs, with one little tear rolling down their face, and as soon as dad  walks in they stop.  Smile even.  Not Fair. Boo.

I'm not asking for much here people, just a few small requests.
A time machine, a couple of extra appendages, and a fairy.  Magic.  Someone get me some magic.