Thursday, November 19, 2015

Colds and Cashews

We've had quite an eventful couple weeks over here.  Both kids got a cold and not just any cold, but one that lingers for weeks and leaves one kid with Croup.

So it started with a cold.  Both kids had fevers for days, a cough, and horse voices, which was actually the cutest thing I've ever heard.  Most nights we'd end up with one or both kids tossing and turning in our bed resulting in me getting kicked out of my own bed.  So, I moved upstairs with Audrey, while Wes stayed with Finny.  It was pretty miserable.

After having been cooped up in our house for a few days, eating nothing but Popsicles, smoothies, and toast, I was desperate to get out.  So, I decided to take the kids over to my moms.  At this point they were feeling better, but still had a raspy voice and cough.  They were running around tearing apart my mom's house when my mom stepped out to pick us up some lunch.  Finny was rummaging through the cupboard when he saw the trailmix.  Usually there's M & Ms in there that he picks out, however this time there were cashews.  He put a cashew in his mouth and began to chew.  Instantly he spit it out and his face turned red and began to swell.  His breathing was labored and he kept rubbing his eyes.  He kept saying "nap, nap nap," and it wasn't even close to nap time.  My mom got home, we left Audrey with my dad, and took Finny to the ER.  He had never acted like this, and apparently had never had cashews before.

In the car ride over, his neck was swollen, he was having a hard time breathing, and his eyes were little slits because he had rubbed them so much.  As soon as we got to the ER, they noticed his respiratory issues and got him in quick.  We didn't have to wait at all, even though there was a room full of people waiting.  At this point things got overwhelming.  They had us undress him, he was crying and trying to breathe, and there was a room full of nurses and doctors.  They gave him a breathing treatment, which is almost impossible for a 2 year old to do.  He didn't want anything on his face, or in front of his face.  Then the IV came.  I don't know if this was more traumatic for him, or me.  They stuck his little arm, he wailed, I wailed, he tried to knock the IV out of his arm, and the nurses freaked a little.  They were actually pretty good.  They got it in the first shot, despite Finny trying to pull it out.  They gave him steriods, Benedryl, and Epinephrine. As soon as the Benedryl hit him, he was out.  His breathing was so loud, the nurses could hear him from down the hall.

Wes left work early and came down, and my mom was released to go help with Audrey.  (I heart you mom)  They had to take X-Rays of his throat to see if he had Croup and he was passed out with a tube of cold mist blowing in his face for the next few hours.  Basically, it was a humidifier and it was used to help the inflammation in his throat go down.

After a few hours of listening to the hypochondriac in the next bed, and a quick trip to the cafeteria (I never got my lunch, and Wes said the only snack he had was a bag of cashews.  Too soon. ) the doctor came to tell us that if his breathing didn't get better they might have to keep him overnight.  Wes and I did rock, paper, scissors, and I won.  She came back in after another hour or so and said he'd be fine to leave.  They aren't sure if this reaction was due to the cashew, or if it was his Croup, but they basically treat it the same anyway.

I know it had something to do with that darn cashew, and if anyone gives my sweet little Finny a cashew they are dead.  I've been traumatized.  Also, I blame Wes for this. He's made such a big deal about how fake peanut allergies are. . . nut allergies are real my friend.  Don't give him a cashew!

That night we ate pizza, per Finny's request, and finally got a good night's rest.  So grateful for fast-acting doctors and good nurses.  We will have to do some allergy testing, but until then NO CASHEWS!

Audrey got stung by a bee, on her foot.  We're a mess over here.

Mickey line-up.

In the ER.  Post Benedryl.

Smoothies and toast in bed.  Sickies.

Celebrated getting over our colds by eating with the monkeys.

Friday, September 18, 2015


For the twins second birthday we decided on no party this year.  Instead, we took them to Disneyland.

It was a day like any day here in California. Oh wait, no it wasn't.  It was hot, like really hot, and we were headed to Disneyland on a Saturday with toddler twins. Eeek!

My parents came with us, thank goodness, because those extra hands helped a lot.  We loaded up every snack, toy car, and portable fan we had, threw the double stroller in the car and headed out.

When we finally made it into the park, the kids immediately lit up.  The whole park is already decked out for Halloween.  Pumpkins and fall colors everywhere.  I loved it.  And then. . . Minnie was there!  The kids wanted to see her so bad, however there was quite a line.  My mom had Audrey standing in line, and she was throwing a fit.  They didn't understand the whole line thing, they just wanted to run up to them!  Goofy and Pluto were around as well, so we spread out and each stood in a line.  As soon as it was their turn they flipped.  Hugging and kissing each one.  I died.  After seeing them all, and becoming successfully sweaty already, we made a B-line to It's a Small World.  Hello, AC!
Who is having more fun here?

The line was short, and we walked right up.  They LOVED it.  They sat on our laps just looking around, smiling and pointing to every animal and balloon they saw.  I had been singing the song to them for the past couple weeks, so Audrey was "singing" and clapping too.

Fantasyland and Toon Town were already pretty packed, so we headed to Pirates of the Caribbean. We made our way through the line, each kid holding a bag of Veggie Sticks, and attempting to cut the line.  When we made it to the ride, Audrey sat on my lap and didn't make a peep the whole ride.  Just looked around.  Poor sweet little Finny cried.  He was so scared.  I guess we all didn't realize how dark and scary that ride really is.  He didn't even like the "yo ho yo ho" song like he usually does.

Veggie sticks anyone?
Pre-Pirates happiness

We skipped the Haunted Mansion, because that's just plain toddler torture, and headed to the Jungle Cruise.  We stopped for lunch and let the kids run around, and then it started to get really hot.  We headed to Tomorrowland, rode on Buzz, and made our way to Autopia.  I thought they would love it.  I was wrong.  Granted it was almost nap time, and we had just taken a sucker away from them so we could go on the ride, but the kids (mostly Finny) lost it.  He threw a major tantrum.  Throwing his hat, and himself, on the floor in a sweaty mess waiting for our little car to pull up.  Even the Disney worker came over to help, and then scurried away when there was no calming him.

After the super fun car ride, we put the kids in the stroller, and they were out.  Within 5 minutes, they were asleep.  We walked over to get a Dole-whip (a Disney must) and cooled ourselves off in the shade.  Wes and I even walked over to California Adventure to ride a couple rides over there.
Post-nap sweaty hat.  Also, notice the crowd of nappers behind her. . 

When the kids woke up, we walked over to Toon Town, hung around there for a bit, and then rode It's a Small World again to end the day on a good note.

People started lining up for the parade and we decided we were too tired, and hot to stay, so we headed home.  My parents spoiled them with balloons, hats, and light-up pumpkin necklaces.  They were in heaven as we walked the parade route out of the park.  It was fun to watch the Bedford parade of twins each holding a balloon, wearing a giant smile on their face.

Was it too hot?  Yes.  Was it too crowded?  Yes.  Would I do it again?  Yes, can we go tomorrow? I would go out in the heat and crowds again to see their faces light up at the characters, and their little wide-eyes looking in amazement in It's a Small World.

I heart Disneyland.

Also, big shout out to my parents who braved the heat with us, grabbed a kid in line, and spoiled them with everything they wanted.  I think it was the best day of their lives.  <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


The summer has been a bit warm.  Okay, so not Phoenix warm, but warm for us.

We spend our days nudey.  The kids. Not me. 
Eating Popsicles.
Swimming in my parent's pool.
Going to the beach.
Eating peaches like they are going out of style, or out of season.
We walk around target when it gets too sweaty in our house.
We always have a ton of visitors during the perfect beachy weather. 
We've fully enjoyed wedding season.  Wes and I have been to 3 already.
Frozen blues (blueberries) are all the rage.
Splashing in our kiddie pool in the backyard makes for a perfect day.

We spend a good amount of time trying to figure out what the kids are saying.  They have their own language mixed in with some English.

bah-tee = water or bunny
ma-nee = mommy
utch = ipad, meaning we don't touch
unch= lunch
papa= my dad, their grandpa
yaya= my mom, their grandma
Audrey = Audrey and Finny.  They both think their name is Audrey.  
yoyo = yogurt.  Finny will eat an entire 1 lb carton of greek yogurt in one sitting. I'm serious.
bra-dah = finny.  Audrey calls him this.  Roger? Brother? She usually does this when she's yelling at him from the next crib over
Phew (fanning their face) = they pooped.  Then they say "I pooped!"
Pah-sikle= Popsicle.  We have to spell this word around here otherwise they'd cry for one all day.  And that word is hard to spell.  Thank you spell check.
Of course every animal noise/word there is.
Also every food, however nothing compares to their beloved "yoyo"
ca-ca= not what you think it means. . chalk and/or trash truck
Fawk= also not what you think. . fork.  Wes comes home and thinks I'm throwing f-bombs on the reg.

It's completely adorable when they start to say new words like, "I get you,"  or "I stuck" (which is what they say 90% of the day.  Stuck on the chair, under the table, in their crib, under the dog, on top of the table. All. day. long.  "I stuck.  Ma-nee, I stuck!!!")
Audrey also thinks every fly buzzing around her head is a bee and comes running to me all huffy-puffy and scared

Finny likes to say "yeah, I do."
"Finny, do you like yoyo?"  "yeah I do."
"Finny, do you have poop?"  "yeah I do."

It's crazy how much they soak up.  It's also crazy how much Twinglish creeps into my daily vocab.  With other adults.

In other news, Audrey can successfully climb out of her crib, and has gnawed on the rails so much we find her the next morning with blood all over her mouth.  It's like a horror story up in here.

Stay tuned for next week when I talk about our adventures to Disneyland!! First time this Saturday.  Pray to the twin toddler god that all goes smoothly.
Ready for swim!



Audrey the beaver

VIDEO: No-nap Audrey at dinner

serious about chalk


Friday, July 10, 2015

on being prepared.

When I was pregnant I read every twin book I could.  When we were heading to the hospital, about to meet these two little babies, I felt ready.  I was prepared on how to feed, change, sleep train etc.  I was ready, for the newborn stage. . . The toddler twin stage is a whole other book.  To anyone who is expecting twins, learn about the toddler stage too because you'll be too busy/tired surviving newborns to read that chapter.  Or be like me and wing it.

There are also things that just can't be taught. Period.
Like what to do when your toddlers escape to the backyard: one jumping up and down on the top of the patio table, and the other stomping in a pile of dog poop.
Or how to read two different books at once because of course they don't want to read the same book.  (Of course that one is a lot easier when Wes is home.  No, Wes you're right, I'm not a single parent.)
You just learn as you go.

I've learned that:

the sweetest words that you'll ever hear is "man-ney" (mommy) until they say it a thousand times a day over and over at the top of their little lungs.  Times two.

they will start to mimic you. Me: "shoot!"  Twins: "shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot!"

you will never get a meal to yourself again.  Oh you want some of my dinner even though I just took you out of your highchair, and cleaned up the food that you threw on the ground because you didn't like it?  Guess so.

you can never walk into a store with Finn that has a ball in it, and not give it to him.  This is resulting in 39740726 balls that you've had to buy because he cried at the check out.  Like top of his lungs, I'm pulling off his arm cry.  I know, I'm a sucker.

if the twins are playing in the next room and it gets quiet, they have something they shouldn't.  A pen on the couch? An ipad? My work folder that they've ripped every page out of?  A shovel full of mud? Yes to all the above.

you will never have a full nights sleep again.  period.

just clean the house at the end of the day when they have gone to sleep, otherwise you'll be cleaning toys/kitchen utensils/clothes/blankets/bathroom items/markers/pompoms/etc all day long.  Embrace the mess.

your formal dining room will probably turn into a playroom.   Who are you kidding, you've never sat at that table any way.

And last but not least, no one can prepare you for how much you'll love them.
how you'll miss them come morning
how your heart will ache when they're sick
how loved you'll feel when you come home to them yelling "ma-ney"
how even on your worst day when the house is a mess and you felt like all you said was "NO" and "you're in time-out," you'll find them giggling and tickling each other. Everyone is alive, and every one is loved.

I dare you to try to find this in a book.  You're welcome.
First day at swim! Finny was sick

A Popsicle after barfing on me

Happy Fourth!

Their love affair with bubbles

Popsicles all day, every day.

and a little nudey pool time :)

Saturday, May 16, 2015

I got your back

When my brother and I were little, I mostly remember being annoyed with him.  He was my little brother who antagonized me.  I would wrestle him out of my room, kick him, scream at him, and he would chase me around the house trying to give me a "dead leg" which ultimately ended in my broken toe.

Even with all the bruises, there wasn't a dance performance that he missed, and there wasn't a game that I didn't cheer him on at.  We had each other's backs and that's what mattered.

I see glimpses of this with the twins.  They will hit/bite/push each other if the other has Brown Bear, Brown Bear.  Finny will run at full speed towards Audrey and land right on top of her resulting in her high pitched squeal.  Audrey will "shush" Finny if he is being whiny, and then proceeds to tell him off yelling "brudah, shush." Yes, she's quite bossy.

They also giggle a lot.  When they should be napping I hear giggles and bed jumping.  As soon as I walk in, they fall to the mattress and "sleep."
They like to put soapy bubbles on the other's back and face while in the tub.
They love to run around in their diapers after bath time and crawl over the couch; burying themselves in the cushions and laughing when the other pops out.
They usually follow each other's lead.  If Audrey starts spinning around, Finny will too.  That goes for bad behavior too. .  if Finny climbs up on the table, Audrey will too.  If Audrey starts screaming at the top of her lungs in the car, Finny will join her in a wondrous symphony of high pitched screams. Truly double-trouble.

They both really hate it when they have a hang nail.  Like, life can't go on if their is one tiny piece of fingernail sticking out.  Recently I've seen Audrey go up to Finny and show him her one little finger with a jagged nail, and Finny will tug at it until he rips it off.  Then, they explode with laughter and run in opposite directions.
They totally have each other's backs, or at least each other's hang nails.

side-eyeing that goat

not impressed by the goats

They were pretending to sleep on the stairs

Helping me bake

At the aquarium

Finny new do!

PS Shout out to the hubs who spoiled me rotten for mother's day.  I'm talking, flowers, homemade crepes in bed, chocolate, and gift cards.  The heat is on to top it for Father's day.

Monday, April 20, 2015


I think Spring is my favorite.

I love all the fruit that is in season.  Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, okay all berries.  I love all things that involve these fruits.  Making smoothies, berry pies, shortcake, and jam.

I love being outside.  Not that we couldn't be outside in any season being here in California, it's  just different in Spring.

I love running around outside with the sprinkler on.

I love Easter and all things chocolate and pastel.

I love planting our garden and seeing which veggies sprout.  Of course they'd sprout a lot better if I didn't find Kona digging around in there daily.  Sigh.  Last year we had zuccini the size of my arm and corn that grew taller than our fence.

I love shopping in spring.  All the bright colors, shorts, swim suits, and flip flops.

I love that it's hot during the day, and cold at night.

I love the flowers that pop open around my backyard, and I love my babies running up, squishing their noses in them and sniffing.

I love that our turtle has come out and that the kids run up to him, say "turtle," and try to hug him.

I love that Wes gets home and it's still light out.

Spring you're pretty awesome, but I love you most because it means summer is around the corner.


Photos are courtesy of my dad and his sweet camera.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

It's the little things

** I don't know why my blog has been spontaneously posting things, so sorry about the random posts.  Dang you technology **

Anywho, back to the blog.

Sometimes it's the tiniest of things that make the day that much sweeter.

It's the big guy (meaning twice my height, and four times my weight) that I see every morning on my run.  He is a big dude, but he is out there every morning. It started with a friendly smile, and it now a quick "how you doing?" With a complete stranger.

It's the look on the kids' faces when I first get them out of bed in the morning.  That sleepy-eyed smile beneath the binkie warms my heart.

It's the little things Wes does.  Most mornings I leave the house before Wes and when I get home later that afternoon he's made the bed, cleaned and put away the dishes, and picked up all the toys.  Makes me so happy.

It's when we head to my mom's for the day and we show up to freshly made pancakes waiting for us.

It's when the kids talk and laugh with each other while playing in the curtains.  Makes me stop running around the house and is a guaranteed smile maker.

It's when they kids try to console each other when the other is upset. They hug, and kiss each other and I die.

 It's in the afternoon when I've finished working and we head to the backyard to run around in the sun and eat oranges off our tree. Sticky orange fingers mixed with dirt and grass equals perfection.

It's when my dad comes home from work and says, "where's my babies?" then proceeds to have conversations with them in gibberish.

It's when complete strangers tell me how well-behaved my kids are being in the shopping cart at the grocery store.

It's when Wes sends his out of the blue "Love you" text.

It's when I catch one of the kids with something they shouldn't have, usually a pen (which I was too late for one day and found Audrey drawing on our couch cushions) or my phone, and they look up with big eyes and hand it to me saying "dis"

It's when Finny chases the dogs around squealing in excitement, trying to open mouth kiss them.  Always ending with a mouth full of hair that he runs over to me for.

It's when Audrey climbs on my lap and points at every freckle on my chest with her tiny finger saying "what's dat?"

It's when Wes comes home from work and the kids go running. "Dada!!"

It's after bath time when we snuggle and read books together.  Stopping only to watch an episode of Jeopardy and have a dance off to the Jeopardy theme song, which Audrey loves.  She wiggles her booty, and Finny bobs his head.

It's after the kids go to bed and Wes and I catch up on the day.  Usually watching videos of the kids on my phone.

He climbed in this bag I swear.