Saturday, March 22, 2014


I'm not perfect.  I know, shocking.

There is nothing more humbling than being a first time parent.  Throw another baby in the mix and you're bound to have a #momfail on a daily basis.  Seriously.  Daily.  

My list of 5 months worth of #momfails.   This list will continue, and continue, and continue. . until infinity.  

-Smiling at Finn while he cries because his little pouty bottom lip is so cute I just want to watch him cry.  #momfail
saddest baby, cutest pic.

-Turning my back on the kids sitting in their highchairs after eating only to find the dogs licking both their faces.  #gross #momfail

-Not bringing my stroller on our road trip.  Bring the stroller.  Always bring the stroller. #momfail

-Running out of diapers in my diaper bag while I'm out and about.   #momfail

-Giving the kids a bath before eating dinner. #momfail

-Not cutting Finn's long, straggly, hobo looking head of hair.  #momfail  but mostly #dadfail

-Laughing at Audrey when she whips her arm up and down furiously hitting her head over and over with a rattle. #momfail

-Not cutting their razor sharp finger nails because I'm too scared I'm going to snip their fingers resulting in two Edward Scissor-hands.   #momfail 

-Realzing it's 4pm and I'm still in my PJ's, haven't brushed my teeth, and skipped lunch.  #momfail

-Yelling at my two tiny crying babies to stop crying. #momfail  #mommeltdown

-Laying Audrey down on the floor next to Finn with a rattle in her hand. #hitshimeverytime #momfail

-Putting too much food on the spoon resulting in them snorting sweet potatoes up their nose. #momfail

Adding classy pics like these to the internet.  #momfail


  1. Hahaha I'm dying laughing! A) because you are hilarious and B) because I can totally relate to so many of these. Hope things are going well :) miss you!

    1. I knew you'd enjoy this one! Hope you guys are well!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
