Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Things that make life easy.

Here is a list of gadgets/people I'm so glad I have.  Anything that makes my life easier, I will try.

1) Wes.  So glad he's able to go into work later, and get home in time to put them to bed.  I'm also grateful he still gets up in the middle of the night to help feed.  A process that can easily take 45 min on my own, only takes about 15 min.  Love him.

2) My mom.  When Wes is working, or out of town, my mom steps in big time.  Let's be honest, she loves those babies, and she loves being a first-time grandma.  She watches them whenever we need a date night.  Whenever I need to run to the store.  Whenever I need to work. (okay we work at the same place, but she puts off her work in order to hold a baby so I can get my work done.)  Most importantly, she's taught me how to be a mom.  I've learned from the best.  Love her.

3) Bouncy seats.  Seriously they are awesome.  I have one, and borrowed another.  They are great for them to sit and watch me make dinner, or bounce them to sleep when I'm riding solo and can't rock them both.

4) Double click in stroller.  It's a beast.  Obviously I needed a double stroller, but the fact that my car seats click in easily has been a lifesaver.
Sitting in our stroller
getting ready for our walk

5) Diaper genie.  These babies can poop.  And everyone is lying when they say it doesn't stink.  We go through 145 diapers in 2 weeks, and it is nice to have  a place to throw them and not have to smell that shiz constantly. 

6) Spit rags.  We love the cloth diapers as spit rags.  Audrey is a spitter.  Like projectile spitter.  And Finn likes to hold his spit rag and wipe his own face. He's so proper.

7) Bottles and bottle warmer.  We obviously need bottles since I'm unable to b-feed both babies at the same time.  Yes, I've tried it.  I'd need like 183947 more arms to make that work.  My babies are also picky about temperature, so the warmer has been great.

8) Carriers.  I have a Boba, and I made a Moby wrap.  When I go shopping myself, I usually put one in a carrier, and the other in the car seat in the cart.  When I'm out with Wes, or my mom, we each wear one and we are a lot more mobile than if we put them both in my beast of a stroller. 

9) Swaddle blankets.  We love the muslin ones.  We still swaddle our babies to sleep even though I know that's soon to end.  I use those blankets for everything though.  Finn again likes to hold his blankie and wipe his face.  Or just suck on it. 

10) Sitting up gadgets.  We are now entering the phase were they want to sit up.  We love bumbos, "johnny jumper" swing-like thing that hangs in the doorway, and our exersaucer that my parent's got them for Christmas. 

11) Friends with babies.  I'm so glad to have had friends let me borrow things so that I didn't need to get 2 of everything.  They also went through my registry and let me know which items I actually needed, and which were a waste.  So helpful. 

I'm sure this list will continue to grow as they grow.  As for now, this is our list and we are sticking with it. 


  1. Love the pics & the stories! Thanks for sharing. Nice they have all the gadgets to help & that's awesome you have great people in your life too.
    P.S. Everytime I donate blood I think of you & give a little shout out.

  2. Thanks so much for posting. I LOVE hearing the details of your family's life. They make me smile. Love, love, love
