Sunday, March 2, 2014

The birth.

When we found out we were pregnant with twins my initial response was, "oh no."  That is a direct quote.  "Oh no," because I was scared I wouldn't be able to carry two babies in my tiny body.  When I asked my Dr. if she was concerned with tiny me having twins, and she, "no, you'll just have small babies."  That put my mind at ease until my belly stretched and stretched, and the babies grew and grew.  I am so grateful that I was able to carry these babies because they were NOT small babies.  I had 13lbs of baby in me! My tummy itched constantly, and my belly button felt like it was going to rip open.

When I was 37+ weeks, and the size of a small hippo, I would get asked all the time if I was nervous.  And to be honest, I wasn't.  The fact that I was having two babies didn't scare me at all.  I knew we would figure it out as we go.  The thing that scared me the most was the physical act of giving birth.  I knew most likely I would have a C-section because of my size, and the positions of my babies.  I had never had surgery before, and I was terrified.  So I hoped and prayed that everything would go smoothly.  Unfortunately that was not the case.
Right before surgery. 

I was 37 weeks and 4 days.  I just got word from my Dr. that I was showing signs of pre-ecclampsia.  (Yes, that is what Kim Kardashian had as well.  What no one else watches that show? pssh neither do I)  I was told to not eat my lunch that day, and to meet at the hospital that afternoon because these babies needed to come out immediately.
I sent Wes a text, "thunder cats go!" 

My mom came over to calm me down. 

C-section started at 9pm.  Wes came into the room after I got my epidural.  I was shaking uncontrollably, Wes held my hand, and locked eyes with me.  Some time went by, and I had no idea what was going on behind that curtain.  The Dr. then asked if Wes would like to see what was going on, and he gave a forceful, "no, way!" never breaking eye contact with me.

 Finny came first at 9:45pm.  He clung on to the umbilical cord, and screamed the sweetest little cry I've ever heard.  That's when I lost it.  The nurses showed him to me quickly, while the Dr. worked on Audrey.  She was up high in my ribs, transverse, and she couldn't get her out.  They had to use a vacuum and push super hard on my stomach to get her out.  She came out at 9:47, and they rushed her upstairs to get her breathing without me seeing her.  Wes went with her, and they sent my mom in for back up.  Sometimes a girl just needs her mom.  After that things got fuzzy. 

I had lost a normal amount of blood during my C-section, then in the recovery room, I kept bleeding.  Like a lot.  There was blood everywhere, and I could not keep my eyes open.  Little Finny laid in his swaddle bed right next to me, just staring and blinking at me.  When the nurse came to check on me, I could see the panic in her eyes.  She called for the rapid response team and every nurse/dr in the area came over to help.  There were like 20 people all up in my business.

Once they figured out what caused my bleeding (a certain medication they gave me due to the pre-ecclampsia) they pushed on my tummy to get all the blood clots out.  When I say pushed, they pushed.  Hard.  So much so that they bruised the top of my uterus.  Awesome. 

The next day they gave me a blood transfusion of 3 units.  Slowly but surely I came back to life, and after 4 days in the hospital, we were ready to come home.

First time meeting Audrey.

The short version of this story goes like this:
Lost a lot of blood
Almost died
Wes thought he'd be a single dad.
I now have a stranger's blood in me.
Babies were healthy.
So much so that they were ready to leave a day before I was.
It wasn't easy, but it was so worth it.
Scared to death to have another baby.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Kristen! Thank you for sharing. I had no idea how rough the birth had been! So glad you made it through. Your little ones are absolutely darling and they are so lucky to have you and Wes!
