Saturday, March 29, 2014

All shook up

Our Friday night last night started like any other.  We put the kids down at 8, and folded laundry in the living room watching March Madness.  Riveting I know.

Then at 9,  the house creaked and began to shake.  Wes and I looked at each other knowing it was an earthquake and ran down the hall to the nursery to grab the kids.  We swooped them up and stood in a doorway (which you're technically not supposed to do)  After the shaking stopped, we walked outside in the backyard (which is the number one thing you shouldn't do.) Our neighbor yelled over the fence to make sure we were okay.
Not how we reacted to the earthquake, but definitely the song that came to mind as it was happening.

We put the kids back to bed making sure to take all pictures off the wall.  Even if the pictures weren't near their cribs. . who knows those things can fly.  Wes is also currently trying to come up with a lid-type device to place over the cribs.  I kid, but if they could now live in a bubble, I'd be down with that.

We then watched the news coverage.  5.1 earthquake, which is moderate in size.  We came up with a family plan in case "the big one" hits.

My plan:  to stay in the house.  We have food, water, and baby supplies, however my first instinct is to get the heck out of here.  I'm not sure where I'd go, but I just have the reaction of, "Get Out!"

If I'm at my mom's house, I stay there.  If I'm out and about, head to the closest house (my house or my mom's)

The only reason to ever leave my house is the Zombie Apocalypse.  That is it.

Wes' plan: to come home.  If he's unable to drive home he is fully prepared to "gear up," grab a riffle, and make the 30 mile hike home.  I picture Denzel Washington in Book of Eli.

If not Denzel, then he'd look like this for sure.  

After coming up with a plan, watching endless coverage of the earthquake, and checking on the kids 273947505 times, I thought about documenting babies' first earthquake.

 I am all about documenting babies' first _____
Babies' first road trip
Babies' first trip to the mall
Babies' first time wearing shorts (Yes, I am that mom that gets excited every time they can wear new outfits.  What can I say I'm a 10 year old girl who gets to dress up her American Girl dolls all day)

That being said, I would have been perfectly fine if the babies never experienced this first.  Ever.  Okay, they didn't know what was going on, but I did and it freaked me out.  Needless to say, we were all shook up over here.  Pun intended.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously so scary! I am soooo glad that we didn't live there to experience that. I am terrified of earthquakes and the thought of having my kids in the middle of one... Scary. Glad you survived!
